Exploring new perspectives through reading

Team @ The Workation Way
Workation Way
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2019

In tune with nature, we learned how storytelling can bring new perspectives to creativity and the freelance life. As reading is such a great way of learning, we were so happy to team up with Novellix for our first retreat. Novellix publishes beautiful stories on the go in creative design and easy to carry sizes. To learn more about storytelling and books’ impact on balance and well-being we asked publisher Erika Palmquist to share her thoughts and reflections on reading.

Novellix and The Workation Way

What are the main themes in your Vänskap collection? Why did you choose these authors?
The stories in this collection are about people who are struggling with themselves in one way or another. But by their side, they have people there for them. So the stories are basically about the complexity of relationships, the one to yourself, the ones to people loving and caring for you. Betrayal, loyalty, jealousy, safety. Mixed emotions. We picked these authors because they all mean so much to us. But it is always a delicate task to find the right four stories, and the right four authors, that mix well together. It is hard work combined with a great deal of luck.

Anders Tallvik of Anders Design flicking through Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s book Apollo

What is your advice to get into a reading habit?
Ignore what you “should” read. Read what you love. If you just feel resistance to a book, leave it behind and try another one instead. You should read something that makes you long for that moment of the day where you take the time to enjoy the text you have chosen.

Start there, and then maybe you can deepen your reading experience and take on more challenging books. But I never read things I don’t really like. Life is too short, there are too many books out there. Maybe also have a routine? I always read in bed before going to sleep.

Linda Olofsson of Kippis Creative reading Novellix new books on friendship

How can reading books contribute to well-being and balance?
My first thought was to answer this question with “reading develop your empathy, you learn a lot, you have the possibility to put yourself in someone else’s position.” And that is, of course, true, but does that make you feel balanced? Maybe it is the mindfulness aspect of it — it demands your full attention, you are probably sitting or lying still while reading, you are concentrated on the text. Your own self, your own thoughts, your personal life becomes a little bit quieter meanwhile. It is a pause.

Linda Olofsson of Kippis Creative reading Sara Stridsberg Vi var Rovdjur

To invite our community to start a new reading habit during the retreat, each participant received a welcome gift at arrival, including a notebook from Granit, The Workation Way stickers, and four books from Novellix’s latest collection on friendship.

For our next retreats and events exploring work life balance for freelancers follow us on Instagram and come back to our site in a couple of weeks.

