Victoria’s Ombudsman Releases Follow Up Report On WorkSafe

The Worker
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2019

It was reported last week that in the Victorian Ombudsman’s report, WorkSafe 2: Follow-up investigation into the management of complex workers compensation claims, that there is a disturbing amount of injured workers who have been unfairly treated and denied legal entitlements. The report makes two recommendations addressed to the Victorian Government, both of which have been accepted.

The Victorian Government welcomed the report and responded to the Ombudsman’s recommendations, in a statement saying that they will introduce a commission and independent review to consider whether the current model of claims management is meeting the objectives of the Act, specifically ensuring appropriate compensation is paid to injured workers with complex claims. And secondly to introduce a new dispute resolution process that allows for binding determinations on the merits of claims decisions.

Ben Davis branch secretary of AWU Victoria said “The Ombudsman’s report shines a light on a number of alarming examples of injured workers who have been unfairly treated and unjustly denied their legal entitlements, concerns that the AWU has been raising since 2015”

The report demonstrated a fundamental issue with the current model of claims management, in regards to complex claims.

The report makes thirteen recommendations addressed directly to WorkSafe, all of which have been accepted.

“I have written to the board of WorkSafe detailing my expectation that the recommendations are actioned quickly, in particular to ensure injured workers have access to a timely independent review of their case.” said Ombudsman Deborah Glass.

For the full report click here

Video report:



The Worker

The AWU stands up for working families by ensuring that our members get the pay, conditions, safety and respect at work that they deserve.