Pablo Picasso. Guernica. 1937.

How I Learned to Accept Conflict

Stefan Morales


Conflict is actually a really good thingbut I didn’t see that until I learned how to mine it’s treasures.

I have always had a hard time with conflict. Who doesn’t?

Whether it’s conflict with family and friends, or (very rarely) on the street with strangers. I freeze up and have a hard time knowing what to do other than try to avoid it.

If the worst case scenario happens and things get violent, then I really get paralyzed.

I’ve asked myself many times: What can I do? How can I stop this? How can I avoid this?

It wasn’t until I learned what I’m about to outline that I began to see a tangible path through conflict…

  1. Conflict occurs where expectations, goals or objectives diverge. Divergence can be emotionally heated, or shrouded in rational argument. These divergences are at the personal level and the societal level — and everywhere in-between. Just think of the dynamics of some of your closest relationships, or the partisan political culture of the USA. So…
  2. …Conflict is everywhere. Every day we diverge with others. This is life. Conflict permeates our quotidian existence, and in this sense conflict can be latent, emerging or manifest. When it’s latent it’s usually at the individual level. Think of your relationships with those close to…



Stefan Morales

Coaching + consulting w/ orgs striving to build a regenerative future @ @ Greaterthan + @ Base Associates