How to Develop Magazine Pitch Ideas That Will Fly

Give editors what they actually want

Kitiara Pascoe
The Working Writer
Published in
5 min readJun 30, 2019


Pitching article ideas to magazines and online outlets can feel an awful lot like screaming into an abyss.

I know that it felt (and often continues to feel) like that for me. But for years I went about it the same way and got frustrated and disheartened frequently. Often, before I even got to the emailing editors stage.

But I learnt a few things along the way and I’ve picked out one mistake I made over and over again. A mistake that cost me so much time and effort and almost exclusively resulted in either silence or a ‘no’.

Are you developing pitch ideas the wrong way?

This is what I used to do.

I’d think up a great idea for a magazine article, I’d flesh it out and think of all the great points I could make. God, sometimes I’d even write it.

Then I’d go online and find a place to pitch it to.



If this is how you’re creating ideas for articles to pitch to magazines, stop it now. You are wasting so much time it’d be more productive to watch back-to-back episodes of Love Island.



Kitiara Pascoe
The Working Writer

Senior Brand Writer | Outdoor Adventure Writer | Author of In Bed with the Atlantic (Fernhurst, 2018) | | Youtube: