E06: Mezuzas, Founders, Post-It notes and more…

Dave Weinberg
The Workmill
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2015

After a very intense summer focused on the growth of loop88, I had a reminder last week about the importance of family and life.

Three weeks ago, the Mezuza on my home office door fell off the door post out of the blue. I cleaned off the double stick tape that was holding it up, put on new and thought nothing of it. The next day, the same thing happened. While I am not usually struck by this kind of thing, I try to see G-d’s hand in everything. With that in mind, last week I brought the inside parchment of the Mezuza (which contains the Shema prayer) to our local Sofer (writer), Rabbi Malka.

Turns out, the Phey Sofit (ף) in the word Af אף was not written correctly.

Beware, lest your heart be deceived and you turn and serve other gods and worship them.

And anger of the Lord will blaze against you, and he will close the heavens and there will not be rain, and the earth will not give you its fullness.

Sure we can all get stressed, but it’s important to remember why we are doing what we are doing. For me it’s all about family and long term success. Short wins and losses, as much as they seem to matter, should not take a toll. A good thing to keep in mind with the new year and the promise of a fresh start right around the corner.

Shana Tova (Happy New Year)!

….and now onto the “meat” :)

Medium: Never Read The Comments

“I’m going to go out on a limb and say that the real problem is that I’m a woman, and I don’t look like you want a CTO to look. If I were a dude, this commenter probably wouldn’t have looked me up on LinkedIn to check what I majored in.”

HBR: The Founder’s Dilemma

An oldie, but a goodie (frankly, legendary). If you’ve only heard the concept of “The Founder’s Dileman, it’s really worth a few minutes of your time to read the original Harvard Business Review post.

“As I studied the choices before entrepreneurs, I noticed that some options had the potential for generating higher financial gains but others, which founders often chose, conflicted with the desire for money.”

Medium: Why Zirtual’s Demise Makes Me Glad I Turned Down Millions in Funding

“But the Zirtual fiasco is a good reminder of what I do have — happy customers and a team that loves coming to work every day.”

Instagram: Life Explained via 7 Post-it Note Graphs

Being succinct especially in graphical form is a real gift. Chaz Hutton breaks down real and funny situations to us in post-it brilliance.

Wiselike: What inspired you to start a mailing list?

If you read through last weeks newsletter you might have gotten that I’ve been bitten by the AMA bug. I had a 48-hour AMA on Tribe of Angels and keep getting more questions from Wiselike. This morning, as I was prepping for The Workmill, I was asked for my inspiration on the newsletter.

Feel free to post any question to me on Wiselike.

Fun video of the week…

Bloomberg: The last audio cassette factory

Until next week :)




Dave Weinberg
The Workmill

Partnership Practice Lead & Partner @ Recruited. Dad to three boys and a puppy. http://recruitedinc.com