One of Paul Brodie’s (in)famous Bike Week drawings: Mark Homchick on his Yamaha TZ250.

2000 Art Prints + Bike Week in Daytona = Financial Independence

Terence C. Gannon
3 min readJun 14, 2017


As we learned in our interview with Paul Brodie, he had demonstrated considerable talent as an artist early on. Shortly thereafter, he hatched a scheme to turn his newfound skill into a bundle of cash at Bike Week in Daytona. It started with four, line art, motorcycle-themed drawings…

Paul Brodie [0:07:42]: I started doing a set of drawings and some people thought that I had some potential. I put a lot of energy into these drawings. I spent hours working on these drawings. The plan was — I was driving cab at the time — I would save up the money and I would get 500 prints made of each which was 2000 prints. That cost me $600.

I had boxes of prints and I thought that if I went down to Bike Week in Daytona in my old Austin Cambridge I could walk around the streets and sell a set of prints for $30. That’s what I thought. Now I was pretty young then and I was kind of naïve at the same time. Whether or not — if I got down there — I could actually sell them I don’t know.

I had the plan, I had this old car [and] I had some friends down there. I didn’t know about how to cross the border and fill out the forms. I set it up that I would have supper with some friends down there after I picked up the prints. I went through the border and they wanted me to open up the trunk. I had my story straight, so I didn’t get into trouble, but I got turned back and I realized that…

The WorkNotWork Show: Well, what was the story that you told them?

PB: That I had just picked up the prints on the way to go have supper with friends down in Washington and I was coming home that night. That was true, but I was going to leave the prints down there. The next day I was going to take out the passenger seat of my car and install a foamy so I could sleep in my car on the way down to Florida. I was going to sell the prints, make quite a bit of money, leave the car down there and fly home with a lot of cash. Now I think…

WNW: You really had thought this thing through.

PB: I have an imagination that’s for sure! I don’t know, back in those days, I’m not sure my feet were really on the ground when it came to business plans and things like that. I think probably, at some point, I should have gone business school because I did start up a business.

WNW: But you’re convinced this is going to work. So, how did it turn out?

PB: Well, I got turned back at the border…

WNW: Oh, and it was over that stage.

PB: Yeah, and they told me that they could have confiscated all of my prints. I was playing really innocent, that I didn’t know that that was a problem. They let me go and I realized that my window of opportunity had passed. So, I went back to cab driving. In the end, I had all these prints and I still have a couple. But it took me years just to even give them away.

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