Conversation to Context

What next?

Devasis Sarangi
I. M. H. O.
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2013


From my childhood I have always been fascinated with the five sensory organs God has created. We humans have moved a step closer in making resemblances of these sensory organs — camera sensors (eye), capacitive sensors (skin) and microphone sensors (ears). We are inching closer to making fragrance sensors (nose) and taste sensors (tongue). If we can add Kinesthesia and Synesthesia, we have a sort of human clone not a mere Robot.Wow!!!

I was happy to receive a early review copy of “Age of Context” three days back and even more kicked when i finished reading it.

This book is definitely going to help an individual understand the contextual development likely to take place and would help them adjust to changes both personally and professionally. This book definitely will help you look ahead of the curve and prepare for the tsunami.They say — life after the storm is better than it was before.

You may have your own reservations about technology and privacy but this definitely is gonna touch every part of your life as we move next gen and what better way to understand it than lay your hand on this book.

The age of “Naked Conversations” helped Robert Scoble & Shel Israel to collaborate. The “Age of Context” opens the door to immense possibilities, beautifully explained.

Yes I know what you are thinking, a hammer can smash.But so can it build— “Is it then a less useful tool”?

Speaks — how finding, listening and engaging with little data from BIG DATA is the key to earning the trust from your customers.Speaks — how mobile apps is the secret sauce.I am not gonna tell you all!!! Go get your copy. Jump in now or be left behind.

Hey, I keep thinking “ What next”?

So stop worrying of being contextually tracked and order a copy now at http://www.amazon.com/Age-Context-Mobile-Sensors-Privacy/dp/1492348430/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top.



Devasis Sarangi
I. M. H. O.

Strategy & Management Consultant; Investor, Startups, Co-Founder, Little Steps Pre-School, Bhubaneswar, India