H1 2018: Half a year.

Kathryn Sheridan
The World Expects
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2018

Six months.
Breaking things.
Starting afresh.
Thrill seeker.
A fresh start.
And then another.
Are you sure?
My resolve is tested.
And tested again.
But yes, I’m back.
Who is with me?
No need to ask.
I know.
Friends old and new.
Brilliant minds.
Creative thinkers.
Positive powerhouses.
For I am in my power.
Connected to my source.
The work burns in me.
I am back.
I am building.
Here to serve.

Surveying the lay of the land



Kathryn Sheridan
The World Expects

Trauma-informed coach and Ecotherapist with a sustainability background. Curator at PEOPLE PLANET PLACE.