The Gateway of Truth

The Journey from 3D to 5D

Katrina Bos
The World That I See


Photo by Olga from Pexels

As we go through this time of great change, we often talk about the journey from 3D to 5D reality. There are many aspects of this and many ways to describe it.

One big shift is moving from a world of pretend to the world of truth. In our 3D lives, we can create entire pretend worlds that perhaps we wish were true but actually are far from our soul’s truth.

What would it be like to just be honest all of the time… to create a life where every second is lived in truth? This is the gateway we are going through… just one of many changes… but a huge one that we don’t seem to be able to avoid… and truthfully, imagine living in that truth… all the time… and everyone else being there too… what an incredible world that would be.



Katrina Bos
The World That I See

Tantra teacher・Mathematician・Free-spirit・Mystic Heart・Author・Exploring this amazing world. For more details: