How To Buy/Mint

Joshua Bent
The World of Domino
3 min readDec 17, 2021

Hello everyone! There are some of you who are very familiar with this space and others who are brand new. Below, we’ve provided you with some quick tips and resources on your journey into the NFT space. We do advise that you do your own research as well, this space is vastly changing and updating.

Setting Up Your Wallet

Most Solana NFT Marketplaces support 3 common wallets:

The most popular is Phantom, so we’ll be using that one for this tutorial.

If you have set up MetaMask before, then Phantom’s process should be a breeze; it’s very similar.

  1. Visit and select your browser (Supports Chrome, Brave, Firefox, and Edge)
  2. Install browser extension
  3. Click “Create New Wallet” and follow the prompts

Check out Phantom’s setup guide if you need further assistance.

As for the wallet experience, I prefer Phantom’s user experience over MetaMask. Overall it has a more polished design, and it’s nice that you can view your collectibles by default in the browser extension:

How to Get Solana in your Wallet

Like ETH, you will need to buy SOL on a supported exchange and then send it to your Phantom wallet address. SOL is NOT available on Uniswap or Sushiswap. List of 41 SOL Exchanges.

Most common:

Steps to get your SOL ready to buy NFTs:

  1. Buy SOL on a supported exchange
  2. Withdraw to your Phantom wallet

The “Withdraw” process is similar across most exchanges. Below is the withdraw screen from Binance.

**Strongly recommend sending a small amount first to confirm everything was input correctly.

On Binance, it took about 5 minutes for the SOL withdrawal to be processed and show up in my Phantom wallet.

Buying/Minting Your First Domino!

To purchase your first Domino in this Marketplace, you must first connect your wallet at the top of the platform and create an account if you don’t have one. Click on connect wallet and then enter your email and password.

On Minting day, visit our official store HERE and choose the Domino you would like to mint. Before you buy it, you can find useful information about our store such as visits, likes, our collection, the different features and the sales history of each Domino. This is useful to see if it has been sold several times, and at what prices.

Once you have reviewed all the information, click on Buy NFT, and confirm the transaction in your wallet. You will now have your NFT which you can view in your profile, or in your phantom wallet in the collections section.

Remember to have some extra SOL for the transaction fee.

If you plan on joining our community please make sure to join our discord HERE. We will be communicating directly with our NFT holders on that platform. We don’t want you to miss out on any community benefits.

For those wanting more in depth information about The World of Domino check out our roadmap HERE!



Joshua Bent
The World of Domino

CEO of Econix — A Resource Hub for Entrepreneurs || Founder — The Econix Medium Publication || Airbnb Superhost 🏡 || 📧