The Beginning of Icarus Investigations: Part 3

Daniel Ganninger
The World of Icarus Investigations
3 min readOct 16, 2018

Part 3 of how the detectives of Icarus Investigations got their start. Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 to get you caught up. Taken from the first case file of the company, the case of the Flapjack.

Story told exclusively by Roger Murphy (the reluctant team member and founding partner)

Galveston Begins His Story

Galveston began by explaining how he graduated from Rutgers University with a degree in political science.

“I was a below average student, probably near the bottom, if not fully at the bottom,” he told me, though it seemed he was exaggerating.

After getting his act together, he managed to go to graduate school, somehow making it into the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University. He had racked up mounds of school and credit card debt in the process. Saddled with bills and a newly printed diploma, he took a low-level position in the State Department, mainly just answering phones and pecking at a computer.

A friend had him apply to the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security. It offered many of the challenges he had been searching for; foreign living, travel, and law enforcement without the pesky steps to get there. The Bureau of Diplomatic Security took him on a different life path, and ultimately a collision course with his future.

My mouth was agape at this point. This all was fascinating, but what did he want with me and with this new business?

Galveston continued at a rapid pace. He explained how he spent many years bouncing from embassy to embassy worldwide before being assigned to Brussels, Belgium, where he participated in the security mission for the European Union. In ten years he had fostered connections with a variety of agencies; such as the National Security Agency, CIA, and FBI.

“You don’t say,” was all I could mutter as I chewed on some ice from my empty glass, riveted by the facts he was laying out in front of me.

“I should have just stayed where I was. I had a great job, but for some reason I was looking for more, to make more of a difference,” he told me, twirling a napkin in his hand. “A really dumb move on my part.”

Galveston resigned from the Bureau of Diplomatic Security after his ten-year anniversary. The connections he had made then led him to the smoky world of the consultant and work as a private government contractor.

“I was doing okay and working out of London, but then I had to get out, and out of any government work. A woman was involved, of course, and that’s a whole other story in itself,” he told me as the waitress eyed us intently, seeing if we were ever going to pay our check. “It was during this time that I made the biggest mistake. At the time it seemed great, but man, was I stupid,” he said shaking his head. “It was at this point where my life really changed.”

Part 4 of The Beginning, coming soon

Taken from Flapjack, The Case Files of Icarus Investigations, Book 1.

The entire Case Files (enter only if you want to have fun)



Daniel Ganninger
The World of Icarus Investigations

The writer, editor, and chief lackey of Knowledge Stew and the Knowledge Stew line of trivia books. Connect at and