The Grandfather Clock

Pierre Roustan
The World of P.K. Winterway
2 min readMar 6, 2020
Courtesy: Pixabay

As if it was possible to have a conversation with a stationary object —
Don’t object to this subject and be subjective in this objective
Delivering some sage words of wisdom to bridge a chasm
Everyone falls into like unknowing lemmings loving everything,
Even negativity, dropping down to death because, well, life is over.

“It’s not,” the grandfather clock says, ticking away not like a time bomb,
But a clever metronome reminder that we’ll always be at a steady rhythm,
No schism in this monotonous prison of never-ending sorrows,
Sleepless days and nights, no fancy flights, or frights of the unknown.
The fact is we’re still ticking because of everything we’ve shown —

That growing up is a gift, not a curse, not the worst thing to go through,
That we grow old like mold, told of how death’s coming — let it come!
Because it coming is just another step, another door, another shore
Of another ocean to swim with plenty of fish in the sea, you see?
There’s absolutely no reason whatsoever for us to be without our earned tranquility.

All we need is the memory. Loved ones, daughters, sons, granddaughters, grandsons,
The ones carrying on all of our legacy, systematically celebrating constantly
That we began all of this on our ownwe made businesses thrive, we cried
Blood, sweat, tears, for years, standing taller than even redwood trees and defied
All the expectations of a past harder earned than the present.

That’s our time to look back — not because there isn’t anything in front of us anymore —
But because we choose to turn around and marvel at what we’ve made over the years,
Masterful, unending, never-ending fulfillment, our own self-made firmament of no fears
And the lessons taught passed on through books, or art, or sculptures, or workplaces,
Or mantras, or guidelines, or many, many faces.

Don’t fret at all. Life only begins anew. You may leave this room for good one day,
But tomorrow’s another day for you to enter the fray,
And that’s why the grandfather clock may silence all with the twelve gongs,
Singing songs of the credits to this blockbuster film, and the curtain draws in —
But it will call for you once again, reminding you to say…. “Come what may.”

