A little bit about me and my Blog

By: Liam Powlen

Hello Everyone I would like to share a little bit about what I will be talking about on this particular blog. My blog revolves around the increasingly common shift from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources within the Automotive Industry. The reason I was personally interested in this topic was for two particular reasons, the first one being an massive effect alternative energy will have on huge fossil fuel corporations , and the second, concern for our environment.

Fossil fuel has been the dominating energy source for the last several decades. When fossil fuels were discovered it seemed like humans had found the perfect energy source, and with the huge quantities stored in the ground it seemed like fossil fuels would never end. Huge companies rose from this ideas focusing on refining these fossil fuels to power homes, cars, buildings, and so much more. However humans are greedy and since the time we discovered it we have been removing these fossil fuels in massive quantities, day by day, month by month, year by year. This level of consumption is reaching critical levels it is estimated in the next 100 years fossil fuels will be completely used up. This is where alternative energy sources come in, these energy sources focus around materials than can be reused. This is why I am so interested in this topic. Everywhere around the world people are seeing the potential for alternative energy, are investing heavily in its development.

Another reason why I am interested in this topic is like most people concern over what fossil fuels do to our environment. It is commonly know that when you burn fossil fuels they release C02. This is because fossil fuels are plants millions of years ago who were buried deep underground which never got a chance to release the C02 in them when they died. So when burned it releases all this C02 at once. Due to our excessive use of this energy our climate has been dramatically effected. Over the last 100 years of using fossils fuels C02 in the atmosphere has skyrocketed causing a whole plethora of problems. Thing like global warming, melting of the ice caps, severe droughts, severe perpetual heat waves, and acidic rain to name just a few of them. Some people who were concerned and had the means to do so focused on finding new energy sources, thus alternative energy sources. Hopefully with more emphasis on these energy sources we can begin to heal our planet, because if we continue to use fossil fuels the generations after us might not have a habitable planet to live on.

Till Next Time,

Yours Truly Liam Powlen

