(Rant) Snapshots on Instagram

March 2023

see. believe.
2 min readMar 26, 2023


To be frank, hobbies aren’t always enjoyable, and that is a universal truth. And that also what defines our hobbies. If we can keep ourselves composed whenever things go haywire, that’s how we know it’s worth doing.

Guitarists will practice ‘till their fingers callus over from excessive friction with its strings; garden enthusiasts will let them exposed to afternoon sun and potentially dangerous plants; photographers… will take pictures of things so often it’s somehow become cookie-cutter snapshots.

I admit, photography is tiresome. It’s not just all about ‘writing with light’, no, it’s about capturing a moment and make it last. And how to exactly make our photos last a long time?

You see, Instagram is full-choke on photos. I sometimes come back there to… well, find some good ol’ plants to buy — it’s more like a plant market now, under my new management — and sometimes stumble upon photos of people and events.

Honestly, sometimes they excite me, most of the time they disgust me.

That’s how I know what makes photos last: don’t make them look disgusting. By disgusting I mean: lack of proper composition, light, and theme — as it is a snapshot taken by preschoolers. Of course I have to point this out, I’m certain none of these people are preschoolers.

OK, I think I shouldn’t impose my standards to people’s works. But hear me out: I’ll take example of some snapshots from a certain event, in which this event is supposed to be a big event where you pay a huge amount of money to enter, battle against other people to get a sweet photo spot, and battle some more to meet your ‘truly significant others’ (I mean idols, or certain figures you admire).

And the majority of the posts looks… abysmal. For crying out loud.

Call me a killjoy for my direct insult for this circus of event documentation, but I have to point this. I know what it’s like to forget important events in life. You lost a piece of memories that makes you you. Photography help me overcome this problem as my life develops and forced me to throw away unnecessary things from my brain, that includes undocumented memories.

What if I told you that even a basic understanding of lighting and composition will bring you photos you can appreciate. One day, you’ll have to choose whether to keep those photos or remove it. And with those posts? If I were the OP, I’d erase it no doubt, perhaps dismiss the fact I paid about IDR 400.000 for one-day entry.

Please remember that we work hard to get our money. Don’t waste it over dumpster fires of unacceptable garbages/photos from a event where people will lay jealous eyes on. Go give yourself love by learning the basics of photography. Make a photo that will last beyond social media. Make a photo that defines you.

