Louise Marra
The Wreath
Published in
1 min readMar 12, 2017


I have just flown across the USA and find myself hiking today is -20 Celsius, with the sun out! Freezing and exhilarating. My body is in shock wondering what happened to summer so quickly.

As I flew high above this beautiful earth I thought again of the term I made up when crossing Canada some years back. Rivering. And I thought how much more I can “river” than I could before.

And I thought how much less polluted my rivering is.

And I felt into the renewability and nonrenewability of my river. The parts that are eddying, the parts that are flowing. I look outside now and see blocks of ice on the river and ask where am I still needing to melt.

The energy here is internal, snow is coming tomorrow , the sap is slow in the trees and I am enjoying the chance for folding inwards, soaking silence and slowing my own sap.

