Rest in Peace, John Arguello

Fans and writers everywhere are mourning the loss of Cubs Den’s John Arguello. He inspired myself and many others. This is why.

Austin Hutchinson
Wrigley Rapport
4 min readJul 30, 2017


Wrigley Field (Sporting News)

Yesterday news came that John Arguello of Cubs Den had passed away of brain cancer. Everyone here at Wrigley Rapport gives their thoughts and prayers to his family in this time of grief.

John Arguello’s work as a reporter and writer is unheralded, and quite frankly is a big reason why I’m writing today.

I started Wrigley Rapport this February as a safe haven. A place for Cubs fans to get together and share their love for the greatest game and team there will ever be. Quality writing and analysis for fans that cared.

Since then, we’ve gained a reputation as Cubs twitter’s favorite in-game update account, having gained nearly 1300 Twitter followers and over 700 on Medium. For something that began so humbly, our following has grown quickly. I’m very proud of what it’s become.

Since I was a student in Junior High School I always had this dream. This dream that I would one day make a Cubs website, cover the team, and be famous. Sure, I had no idea what that really meant. I was only a kid. Who could hardly write. With a lofty dream. And a Ryan Theriot shersey.

It was around this time that I subscribed to the Cubs Den email list. (Yes, us young bucks do use email.) I wanted Cubs news as often as possible, and John Arguello and company did just that. They were the premier Cubs blog, and are still a site I regularly read.

I remember my friend Connor Jennings and I had tried to start at least three Cubs centric blogs before we had turned 16. We were both keyboard warriors on Twitter, and knew how to network. Every time we tried to put a team together, we either had uncommitted or weak writers. It’s not like sophomore year of English in high school really made us legible editors either.

Sometimes people even laughed in our face.

“You’re only 16? Ha. Have a nice one kid.”

It’s this failure that pushed us forward.

Since graduating high school I’ve spoken with and met countless people in the sports journalism industry. My writing and my brand has grown. I started Wrigley Rapport and have made relationships on Cubs twitter that will last a long time. I love every minute of it.

But I wouldn’t be sitting here typing away on a keyboard about my love for the Chicago Cubs and for writing if it wasn’t for that one day. The day I discovered Cubs Den. That day I found what I wanted to be. A Cubs writer. Their passion really jumpstarted my dream.

And here I am living it, in memory of this man named John.

I didn’t know John Arguello personally, and have only shared words through email and twitter. But many have. Here are just a few.

The legacy John left behind is tremendous. The amount of tweets for this man today were endless. He impacted the lives of Chicago Cub fans everywhere.

On Cubs Den’s most recent recap post, contributor Mike Banghart said this.

“The Cubs won an important baseball game tonight, but it feels more than a little empty. We are again reminded that there is so much more to life than this silly game that we all love. John was not only a unique voice in baseball, but in life itself. His humor, kindness, and charm were unparalleled. To say that I miss him already would be an understatement…”

John Arguello was and will always be the Godfather of Cubs writing. His work led me to writing this post today. As well as every single Cubs blogger there is. His work inspired the hearts of fans during the rebuild years. He was the voice of reason and positivity that we needed when all hope seem lost.

Let’s carry his memory on in the same way.

Rest in peace, Mister John Arguello. You will be missed.

Austin Hutchinson is the Editor-In-Chief and co-founder of Wrigley Rapport. Writing and editing for Def Pen Hoops, Austin covers the NBA and dabbles with the Chicago Cubs during the dog days of summer. You can find him on Twitter @AE_Hutchinson.

