A Marketing Guide for Introverts

Yes, you have to do it. No, it’s not as scary as you think.

Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain
Published in
11 min readAug 29, 2019


Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

An introvert is a person who recharges when they are alone. Being around other people depletes their energy, being by themselves renews it.

Writing is such solitary, interior work that it tends to attract introverts. We work well alone. And if we happen to have a little bit of ambivert in us — if we like to be around other people some — well, that’s okay. We have our characters to keep us company.

But it’s very, very rare to find a writer who gets excited about the part of the business of writing that requires a more extroverted personality. You know, the part where you have to stick your nose out of your writing cave and let other humans know you’re alive.

Uh, huh. Marketing.

Ugh. Marketing. It’s hard for everyone, but for introverts? For introverts, marketing is torture.

Every now and then I come across someone for whom the stars have aligned and they’ve managed to find success (sometimes incredible success) without the need for a lot of marketing and they just kind of shrug and say Oh, marketing? I don’t like it, so I just don’t do it. I don’t think it’s necessary.



Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain

Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)