Erin Condren Deluxe Monthly Planner as an Editorial Calendar

My favorite analog tool for staying on track with my writing.

Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2019


I’ve been using Asana lately, to help me stay on top of projects and as an editorial calendar. And it’s great. But I find myself needing something distinctly analog, too.

I need to physically write things down. That’s how my brain processes. If I write it down, I remember it. I’m not happy without an analog planning system — even if I also use something digital.

So, in addition to Asana, I use a notebook that has monthly calendars followed by notebook pages. (Think a wall calendar, in notebook form.) It’s called the Deluxe Monthly Planner and it’s made by Erin Condren.

Here’s how I use it.

The start of every month has a two-page planning spread. That helps me to focus on what it is I want or need to focus on for the upcoming month.

I’ve found this actually really helps me with Asana, because sometimes I just kind of stare at that calendar and I’m completely overwhelmed by the idea of trying to think about what I need to put into it.



Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain

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