SoulCollage® — An Inspirational and Revelatory Tool for Writers

A way to access the deep wellspring of our subconscious mind

Marilyn Flower
The Write Brain


Photo by THEPALMER, image collaged by author in

A friend of mine once showed me her Voyager Tarot Deck. I’m not all that into the Tarot, but each card in this deck is collaged. And I grok collage. I’ve collaged journal covers, greeting cards, and posters for years.

One day, I Googled collage on my old 9’ screen Macintosh Apple computer.

The very first listing that came up was,

I clicked over and read:

Your SoulCollage® Deck is the Story of You! Create a unique deck of colorful, collaged SoulCollage® cards with deep personal meaning. Consult your cards, discover your inner wisdom, and find answers to life’s questions. Anyone can enjoy this fun, powerful, and satisfying method.

I jumped out of my chair, and ran naked through the town, shouting Eureka! Okay, I kept my clothes on, but I really was that excited.

Why Combine Soul with Collage®?

Our souls speak to us in the language of images.

Have you ever been drawn to an image or a scene and not known why? You’re just riveted. It may be a delightful image. Or it may be horrific. But something calls or…



Marilyn Flower
The Write Brain

Writer, sacred fool, improviser, avid reader, novel forthcoming, soul collage facilitator, prayer warrior and did I say writer?