The Five Most Common Contemporary Romance Tropes.

This one really is all about who gets that last rose…

Adrienne Grimes
The Write Brain


Yesterday I wrote all about why you can’t sell a romance book without tropes.

It just so happens that when it comes to tropes, the easiest genre to spot them in is contemporary romance. The storylines are so criticized for their cheesiness, but that cheese is actually a trope and it’s what sells it.

What is contemporary romance?

Contemporary romance is a subgenre of the romance genre that focuses on love stories set in our world during current times.

A big feature in contemporary romance is how closely the characters interact with our real-world moral and societal trends currently. For instance, contemporary romance in the 50s would’ve largely featured the female love interest at home in a more supportive role of the male love interest. Currently, most contemporary romance novels you pick up feature the female love interest in a career and pre-marriage. A lot of the time the marriage or wedding part of the…



Adrienne Grimes
The Write Brain

A writer and a reader of all the things. Follow her on Instagram @bookaweekproject and catch her social media and branding classes in the Ninja Writers Guild.