What Type of Writer Are You? All About the Spiller Writer

A look into the Spiller Writer archetype.

Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain
Published in
7 min readJan 8, 2021


Last year I came up with this idea that there are five writer archetypes: teacher, spiller, artist, hesitater, and skipper. After talking to thousands of writers and working through the test with them, I’m confident that the idea of Writer Archetypes is a good one.

Today’s post is all about the Spiller Writer, who is a confessional-type writer.

You can click here to take the Writer Archetype test to find out whether you’re a Teacher Writer. I’ll write about the other four archetypes over the next four days.

Read about the Teacher Writer archetype here.

What is a Spiller Writer?

A Spiller Writer is sometimes called a ‘confessional writer.’ Especially if they’re bloggers. Even fiction writers can be Spillers at heart, though.

Spiller Writers, of all the archetypes, are natural storytellers. They lead with story. Telling that story is the most important thing to them. Their readers often are almost peeping Toms, peeking into the inner workings of the writer.

These writers have an easier time than any of the other archetypes with being vulnerable and authentic. They are wholly themselves…



Shaunta Grimes
The Write Brain

Learn. Write. Repeat. Visit me at ninjawriters.org. Reach me at shauntagrimes@gmail.com. (My posts may contain affiliate links!)