The Advantages of Writing a Series

Mason Sabre
The Indie Author Project
7 min readNov 17, 2020


Why you should write a series

When I say series, I am talking a series of books containing individual stories that all tie into one, but each book is a complete story on its own. Nothing drives me crazier than authors breaking one book down into several installments and calling it a series. That is NOT a series. That is a serial.

A series is Harry Potter, or The Hunger Games, or Me Before You.

Each book in those series has their own beginning middle and end. They have their own story. You can see the character start with the inciting incident that puts them into the world, and by the end of the book, the story arc is complete. Sure, there might be more of a story for the characters. Harry Potter is a good example of this. While in the Philosophers Stone, there is resolution for the actual story of book one, the readers want to follow Harry through his next adventure.

A serial is one story broken into many parts. A good indicator of this is the author writes, to be continued, at the end of part one and the book ends on a cliff-hanger.



Mason Sabre
The Indie Author Project

Mason is an author and a teacher. He loves to write and read and will always be a life-long learner.