That moment when…

Day 11

Lalitha Kakulapati
The Write Every Day Project
1 min readAug 5, 2013


Some moments, when I look back at them, shine out. A few have the brittle brilliance of diamonds. Others have a gentle glow, like the light glimmering in a distant window in the dark. One or two, however, loom large and cast their light and shadow over almost all the rest.

These last moments came without a warning, when I had no expectations or any inkling at all that something out of the ordinary would happen. They came when I wasn't thinking at all, but just going along with the day, going with the flow, so to speak.

They may not look life-changing to others, but to me, when I think of them, they remind me how sweet life is, and how it is best enjoyed when I let go and just be.. They make me realise the importance of seizing the present and not wearing myself down with thoughts of what might have been and what may come. They are complete in and of themselves, a capsule unsullied by the sordidness of everyday drudgery. They also serve as reminders to not hold on too tightly, because only when one moment ends, can another happen.



Lalitha Kakulapati
The Write Every Day Project

Coffee addict, bibliomaniac, overall crazy person!! I’m also on twitter @lalitha99