
Life, pain, and hope in 5–7–5

Sarah Cy
The Write Purpose
2 min readDec 12, 2017



The world

So many people

limp on the periphery

of my little world

To the obnoxious advocates of evil:

Shame on all of you.

Want to bury my head in

the sand; go away!

Dark Inspiration

Simple exhaustion

crouching upon the edges

of my fragile mind

Message in a bottle

Is there anyone

out there? Please, I need you to

listen for a while


Funny thing about

pain. Why does it always seem

to inspire such art?


And yet hope flutters

like a wounded butterfly

that will someday soar

Cubed (Seventh Dimension)

Despite the darkness

that hems me in on six sides,

the seventh is God

In heaven

Do you think we will

forget every sadness that

happened to us here?


Crushed flower petals

leave excruciatingly

lovely aromas

Would that I were such

as they — bettering others

with these salty tears

Sarah Cy

Dear Readers

Thank you for your time

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Sarah Cy
The Write Purpose

(aka The Scylighter). Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers! BeABrilliantWriter.com