“A close-up of a person’s hands on the neck of a guitar” by Scott Gruber on Unsplash

How to Master Any Musical Instrument

Music is a proud, temperamental mistress. Give her the time and attention she deserves, and she is yours.— Patrick Rothfuss

Published in
6 min readJul 24, 2018


You pick up your shiny new guitar…or keyboard…or violin, take a deep breath, and begin plucking…poking at keys…drawing your bow across the strings…

And you sound absolutely atrocious.

You sigh, knowing that it will take some time for you to build up the skills necessary for you to sound like the next Les Paul, Lang Lang, or Lindsey Stirling.

But a month later, you’re still barely eking out a melody on your chosen instrument. The instrument feels awkward in your hands and practicing is painful, in more ways than one. It’s tedious, painstaking, hard.

Why does practice have to be so hard?

Are there any shortcuts?

…Sadly, no. You simply must practice.

But here’s the key: not all practice is helpful. If you simply sit down at the keyboard and mindlessly play a C Major scale over and over, or replay the same three chords on your guitar for 15 minutes a day, you won’t get far, I’m afraid.

The key to mastering a musical instrument is practicing smart over the long term.



(aka The Scylighter). Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers! BeABrilliantWriter.com