Unknown Heroes: The Story of the Asian Oskar Schindlers

Sarah Cy
Published in
7 min readOct 10, 2018


What do you think of when you hear the word “hero?”

Fictional comic book-movie characters like Superman and Spiderman?

Successful people who deeply influenced the world and our culture, like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates?

Or soldiers who respond whole-heartedly to the call of duty?

Often heroes are people who do the right thing under horrible circumstances. Wars, economic crises, epidemics, and human suffering in general create situations for the unnoticed to step up and become true heroes.

There have been too many horrible circumstances in world history, but there is one relatively recent event that comes instantly to mind:

The Holocaust.

Decent Men in an Indecent World

During the Holocaust, neighbors and politicians looked the other way or actively participated in the systematic slaughter of Jews.

Yet there were also individuals and families who ignored the status quo, followed their conscience, and saved lives — often at great personal risk.

One of the most well-known of these rescuers (thanks to the Spielberg movie) was Oskar Schindler, the war-profiteer-turned-savior who sheltered over a thousand German Jews by putting them on a famous list.

But Schindler was not the only Holocaust hero who used his position, connections, and access to important documentation to save Jewish lives.

In the late 1930s, as Jews were escaping Europe for their lives, two men from two countries in Asia saved the lives of thousands of refugees using their power as foreign diplomats.

Ironically, these two unknown heroes came from China and Japan, countries that were at war with each other at the time. But they had something far more powerful in common:

Their courage and commitment to saving lives.

The Japanese Vice-Consul: Chiune Sugihara

“I may have to disobey the government, but if I don’t, I would be disobeying God.” — Chiune Sugihara

Japanese career diplomat Chiune Sugihara worked for Japan in Manchuria, but resigned in protest over Japanese mistreatment of the locals. Later, he was sent to Lithuania.

When the Germans took Poland, many Jews fled to Lithuania. But with Nazi death camps on one side and Russian pogroms on the other, the Jews knew that they had to leave Europe entirely if they were to survive.

At this time, a Jewish delegation begged Sugihara for Japanese transit visas which would allow them to cross the Soviet Union to safety.

Sugihara, who was supposed to leave Lithuania, asked for an extension and started issuing visas, against orders. Japan was an ally of Germany, and by disobeying orders, Sugihara was risking the wrath of both the Nazi and Japanese governments.

For four weeks, Sugihara worked 16–18 hours a day, issuing around 300 handwritten visas every day.

Sugihara was forced to leave in the fall. He continued to write visas as he left on the train, finally throwing blank stamped-and-signed papers out the window as the train was pulling out of the station so that refugees could forge the documents themselves.

In total, Sugihara issued 2,140 visas to refugees. But because visa holders were able to bring their families with them, estimates of lives saved are in the 6,000s.

Sugihara was later dismissed from the foreign ministry — some say for his insubordination during WWII — and worked several part time jobs as a translator/interpreter.

Chiune Sugihara, wikipedia

The Chinese Diplomat: Feng-Shan Ho

“I thought it only natural to feel compassion and to want to help. From the standpoint of humanity, that is the way it should be.” — Feng-Shan Ho

Years earlier, as Nazi persecution of Jews was ramping up, a Chinese diplomat named Feng-Shan Ho was sent to Vienna.

Educated in a Christian school in China, Ho had a deep respect for God and human life, as well as a great interest and knack for foreign languages such as German.

As the Nazis intensified their murder plot, they would only let Jews leave if they had proof of emigration, such as a foreign visa.

Jews in Austria went from embassy to embassy, hoping to get a visa. But most foreign countries had closed their borders to these refugees, and their embassies refused to help.

Feng-Shan Ho’s superiors also forbade him from getting involved. But against orders, Ho began to issue visas, thousands of them, to everyone who asked.

People were so desperate, they threw their passports into his car window, and Ho would issue visas and send them back.

Ho also wrote letters to bring back Jews who had been taken to nearby concentration camps, and also personally visited and escorted Jewish people to prevent Nazis from messing with them.

When the Nazis closed his office, Ho used his own money to set up another one. When Ho’s boss from China called to scream at him, Ho replied:

“I just have one life. If that can be exchanged for thousands, it’s worth it.”

Nobody knows exactly how many lives Ho ended up saving. Given that he issued 1,200 visas in his first 3 months of service alone (and stayed in Vienna for years), and the fact that one visa could save more than one life, he certainly saved many thousands.

Ho was later given a black mark on his record for disobedience and denied a government pension in spite of forty years of service to his country.

He eventually moved to America, where he stayed involved in his church and community in San Francisco until he passed away in his nineties.

Feng-Shan Ho, Yad Vashem

The Secret They Kept

Both Ho and Sugihara kept their stories quiet.

The Sugiharas did not tell anyone what they did, and Ho only told his children a couple stories of his time in Vienna, without mentioning the fact that he’d written thousands of visas to save lives.

Sugihara’s story was eventually brought to light by an Israeli diplomat in Tokyo, who wanted to find the man who had saved his family.

In 1985, Sugihara was honored with Yad Vashem’s “Righteous Among the Nations” award for his actions during the war. He was also honored in Japan and Lithuania with a memorial park and the Sugihara House, respectively.

As for Feng-Shan Ho: His daughter started to look into her father’s history only after he died in 1997, and that is when the whole story came out.

Ho was posthumously honored by Yad Vashem with the “Righteous Among the Nations” award in 2000.

Are Heroes Rare?

Ho and Sugihara were did not serve on the front lines, throw grenades, or drive tanks. They don’t fit our typical “war hero” imagery.

They were, in fact, ordinary, decent men. And they themselves saw things the same way, which is likely the reason why they did not go around bragging about their acts after the fact.

Yet being a decent man in an indecent world is truly a rare thing.

And that, in the end, is what made them heroes — the willingness to be decent when everyone else around them was not. The refusal to sacrifice principle for public approbation.

From another perspective, it is sad that Sugihara and Ho became heroes — not because they don’t deserve our respect and admiration, but that they lived during a time and in a situation where their actions were so abnormal that they fell into the category of heroics.

If everyone around them had acted as they did, they would not have needed to do what they did.

If everyone stuck out their necks a little bit to protect their neighbors, there would not need to be one or two individuals who must stick out their necks a lot to “fill the gap.”

Ho and Sugihara were true heroes, in every sense of the word. But their heroism was illuminated only because others refused to help.

A World With No More Heroes

As human beings, we ought to strive for a world with (almost) no more heroes.

Of course we will always need good doctors, firefighters, nurses, teachers, etc.

But may we as groups of ordinary people stop creating evil situations that require other, ordinary people to step out and become heroes — just to clean up the messes that the masses have made.

The presence of heroes among us is a sign that there are still many things wrong with life, and we will never completely eradicate the need for heroes in this world.

But if we all pitch in a little more than we have been, imagine what your world would start to look like…?

So may we ALL learn to be heroes:

People who step up and take responsibility for one another.

People who practice, as Jesus said, “loving others as ourselves.”

People who put a little bit of our broken world back together again.

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Sarah Cy

(aka The Scylighter). Writer, musician, reader, daughter. Join our Merry Band, become a Brilliant Writer, and dazzle your readers! BeABrilliantWriter.com