A Writing Experiment

David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
The Writer Shed
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2021


The Abundance, a new weekly publication on what matters now

A writing experiment at Substack

When I was a young man, it never occurred to me that I would grow older. It is not a thought for the mind of the innocent. But, of course, there comes a time when reality catches up with you. Maybe it is when the first gray hair arrives, or when a knee buckles, or with the purchase of a pair of reading glasses. Now at the age when there are far fewer years in front than behind, I wonder about what it truly means to age. We all face it. That is what The Abundance is about, the natural rhythms of growing older at a time in life when aging is impossible to ignore, which happens to be almost any age on life’s glorious spectrum.

When I began thinking more seriously about this, more than some fleeting moment after noticing another wrinkle near my temple, the hope was to try to understand the process of what was seen as the unfolding of a life, to consider where one has been and where one is now. I would ask, “How are things going?” a question we frequently ask each other, but this time I would do it through the lens of an older man. It must be a very different answer. After all there is much more to consider looking back than looking forward, simply because there are more days behind me. There’s also another way to ask that question. Let’s add a little something to it. “How are things going, so far?”



David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
The Writer Shed

Award-winning writer of memoir and fiction. Creator of Medium publication: THE WRITER SHED and author of THE ABUNDANCE on Substack..