Seven Ways to Move Your Writing to the Next Level

David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
The Writer Shed
Published in
4 min readJan 26, 2021


Seriously, only seven? Is that all it takes? No. But it’s a start.

Photo by RetroSupply on Unsplash

Writing advice exhausts me.

It’s everywhere. Do this, and do that. Don’t do this, don’t do that. Follow these rules for writing a story, an article, a poem, a book, and you will be great!

As if that is all there is to writing well. Following rules. A list of “to dos.”

Certainly, there is craft and grammar and style. And yes, there are parameters, the guidelines (although I use that word — guidelines — with pause) that any good writer works within. Think baseball. You can be a great player—hit homers, steal bases—but you must proceed by the rules. Three strikes and you’re out. Nine innings. There are rules and guidelines all the players have agreed upon. But within those guidelines, have at it! Every batter’s swing is different, as long as you hit the ball. Writing is the same way. Different approaches, but you still must hit the ball and that takes fundamentals.

Here is a list of seven fundamentals, ideas to consider, (Notice, I did not call them rules or must dos.) universal points aimed at lifting your writing from a plateau.

1. Curb the use of these four words.



David W. Berner, The Writer Shed
The Writer Shed

Award-winning writer of memoir and fiction. Creator of Medium publication: THE WRITER SHED and author of THE ABUNDANCE on Substack..