31 Days of Horror: The Exorcist (1973)

James Master
The Writer’s Apocalypse
3 min readOct 2, 2023


Day 1 of 31 Days of Horror is the classic… The Exorcist!


Normally with 31 Days of Horror, I like to watch films that I’ve never seen before. I also tend to favor the newer movies rather than the classics. However, when I heard that The Exorcist (1973), directed by William Friedkin and written by William Peter Blatty, was going to be playing at my local theater on Oct. 1 I knew that was the perfect film to kick off 31 Days of Horror.

For those that are unfamiliar with 31 Days of Horror, it’s a challenge that entails watching a horror movie every day in October.

I should probably get this out there, but I absolutely love this film. Whenever someone mentions demonic possession, my first thought is of Linda Blair’s character Regan. Visions of pea soup, twisting heads, lewd acts with crucifixes all jumble through my head. The Exorcist is the quintessential movie in the demon subgenre of horror. Heck, it’s probably one of the best horror films of all time.

I’d never watched The Exorcist in theaters before so I jumped at the chance to watch it. Okay, so maybe I wasn’t jumping like Father Karras, but still I didn’t waste time purchasing a ticket.

For those that have been living under a rock for the past 50 years, The Exorcist is about Chris MacNeil, played by the talented Ellen…

