Book Review

Animal Farm through the Lens of an Apolitical, Common Reader

“All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.”

Adil Alam
The Writer’s Block: On Writing Well
5 min readSep 28, 2023


Photo by Shraddha Agrawal on Unsplash

Warning: Spoilers ahead!

My first experience with the Orwellian classic was in 2018. At the time, I was only looking to expand my library from Goosebumps and Diary of a Wimpy Kid to actual novels (it was a transitory stage, don’t blame the little youth).

I wasn’t aware of its political or satirical nature. I didn’t make the connection between Old Major and Karl Marxx, Napoleon and Stalin, or Snowball and Leon Trotsky, ’cause frankly, I didn’t care.

I was always a history buff, so I had a general understanding of recent chronological events, but I picked up Animal Farm because the cover looked cool, and its short length was viable since I could use it as a stepping stone to larger reads.

Five years later, I decided to revisit it with a newer understanding of its allegorical nature. Mind you, I still don’t care about its references; the resentment against communism that George Orwell channeled to drive his work is simply not relevant in our times, but it may still have repercussions that have trickled down.



Adil Alam
The Writer’s Block: On Writing Well

I am a Top-Rated Writer and Editor on Upwork. I also run The Writer's Block Publication✒️