How to write content that will get noticed, part 2

The Writers Blog
3 min readSep 7, 2019


Great writing tips for newbies, session 7

This is the seventh part of an ongoing session of writing tips that I post regularly to this blog. For those of you who are keeping up with these postings, thanks. In session six I started a discussion on how to write content that will get noticed. I also asked the reader some questions- consider your writing background, is it the one you want other writers to see? will it get your writing noticed? is it the way you want it to be, or are there things about it you want to change?

If you’ve answered these questions about your writing, then it’s time to start writing better content. This is because no matter what you have written up until now, a good writer is always learning something new.

Photo by Amador Loureiro on Unsplash

Session 7

This session picks up where the last one left off. We are going to jump right in and look at some basic ways to help you write better content.

  1. Always create your own original content. Originality goes a long way when you're trying to get people to notice your work.
  2. Focus on creating headlines that grab the readers attention. Good headlines can make a difference when it comes to a viewer staying on your page for more than 30 seconds.
  3. Make your content useable. When a user can apply your content for the information it provides it sparks their interest more.
  4. Always write truthful and accurate information. Check your sources and only report on what's accurate.
  5. Create content that is thought-provoking and engaging. Keep the reader asking for more, give them something to think about.
  6. Write short and concise sentences. Never write long sentences for the web. Always be short and to the point.
  7. Never stop writing. When you write daily you become used to taking the time to write, this helps you keep the ideas flowing.
  8. If necessary provide the reader with a solution to a problem. Everyone needs help with something. Find your writing niche and help others that way.
  9. Focus on what you are good at. Again, find your writing niche and practice, practice, practice. The more you write, the better your writing will get.
  10. Avoid passive voice. This goes without saying. Passive voice should only be used when writing certain academic papers.
  11. Get to know your reader. Once you accomplish this everything else will follow.
  12. Do some good keyword searching. Don’t overdo it with keywords, use the right ones, and keep it simple.
  13. Finally, lucky 13! Remember, writing good content takes a lot of practice. It takes dedication, time, and good writing habits to produce good work.

Thanks for taking time out of your day to review the information presented here in session 7. If you missed session 6 feel free to review it at your own leisure. I hope this article was of some help to those seeking to become better writers. Session 8 will be posted soon.

As always- find what works best for you in everything that you do, including writing. Always write what you feel and never let others sway your opinions or ideas.

Write something GREAT today!

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash



The Writers Blog

World Class Writer, Grandfather, Artist, International Man of Mystery, Photographer, Freelancer, Poet, and Teller of Grand Stories.