Eulogy to a Love

Kirthana Raj
The Writer’s Bookcase
2 min readAug 4, 2020


I decided not to write anymore of my love to him

For he is hardly worthy of devotion who seldom reads

He sits playing with his phone like I do with words

Only he does not believe in revelations like I do in the VR games.

He shrugged an age’s affinity for a stranger

While I woke up riding a nightmare

I couldn’t seem to get off

Many times I have wished him to suffer a cold winter

So he might perhaps remember

The warmth of my arms .

I reached for him the way you reach for a second piece of cake

full - wanting nonetheless.

He loved to travel light

and love was too heavy a backpack.

so now,

He is every awaited calls I must resist

Every Effort I need to cease

The first love I need to dismiss

every song I need to mute

every lesson I must not forget

dreams I need to neglect

and the virtues I must not regret.

HE is every puzzle I no longer have to solve.

The leaving is a gift

I’ll always hold on to

but even gone I remember his face not ‘young and sweet’ but

as front cover page, outlined of inverted hearts

on the other side of it is

a poem

where my love for him is eulogized.



Kirthana Raj
The Writer’s Bookcase

Party true...Mostly Fiction, a walking contradiction.Learning things ,Taking Notes.