3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Coming To UC San Diego

Mary Mikaili
The Writer’s Cove
3 min readFeb 4, 2020

UC San Diego, or “UC Socially Dead” is the infamous nickname of UCSD… and well it can be somewhat true. Nonetheless, it is what you make of it.

Here are 3 things I wish I knew before coming to UC San Diego…. especially as a first year transfer student.

1.) The Unique College System

UCSD has 7 colleges within the college and is the only UC that has this system. The colleges include: Revelle, John Muir, Thurgood Marshall, Earl Warren, Eleanor Roosevelt, Sixth, and (coming in fall of 2020) Seventh college. The major difference between these colleges are their general education requirements and what they essentially stand for. All of this can be confusing and intimidating, especially during the application process. My advice is to do your research BEFORE applying because if you don’t you will end up (like me) taking Calculus one and three science classes as a Communications major. LOL RIP.

2.) Get Ready to Walk A lot… and I Mean A LOT.

Did you know UCSD is the size of 7 Disneylands? In my 20 years of living, I’ve never walked this much in my entire life. On average it takes 25–30 minutes to walk to class, which also means I have to wake up extra early if I want to make it to class on time and get a good seat in class. But hey, at least I get my cardio in for the day.

3.) Lack of Athletic Spirit

For some people, the best part about college is attending tailgates, games, and lots of school spirit; and at this school, we lack all the athletic spirit. UCSD doesn’t have a football team, however we have other sports like Basketball, Soccer, Baseball, and even rowing. But many of the students don’t go out to games and support their fellow Tritons… which is upsetting. What many people don’t know is that as of next year, the Men’s basketball team is officially Division one bound! Yay!

No matter what, I am very grateful to attend UCSD and I believe that you are where you are meant to be. I can’t wait to see what happens after graduation next year. Go Tritons!



Mary Mikaili
The Writer’s Cove

Journalist and Communications student at UC San Diego