Top 7 Songs to Stop Time and Make You Feel Infinite

Isabelle Wong
The Writer’s Cove
3 min readMay 7, 2021

In the car, windows down, volume up — in no particular order, here are a few gems that stop time and perfectly embody nostalgia and youth.

  1. Waves by Kanye West

Waves. With its synth sound that mildly resembles a chorus, this song is perfect for screaming in the car with your closest friends at night, while the wind from the open windows greets your hair with a friendly, but wild tangle. The song preaches about living in the moment in a slow and beautiful tempo that contrasts the quick and rapid, chaotic beat in the background. It feels somewhat electric. You are somewhat electric.

Not to mention Kid Cudi humming? Like, come on. Transcendental.

2. Vienna by Billy Joel

Vienna. Now it is sunset, and you are all alone in your car. Vienna’s reassuring lyrics remind you of your everlasting youth, and that it’s okay to make mistakes. The sky is a mess of pretty colors, and Billy Joel belts over the soft and rhythmic piano notes in such a grand way that makes everything alright again. And that sick accordion that transports you to somewhere cool — like Vienna.

It’s waiting for you!

3. Sober by Lorde

Sober. Another song intended for full volume at night. “Sober” pinpoints this very glittery moment in time and space, and stretches it out to the fullest. This town and these streets are YOURS. The magnificent trumpets and almost exotic feel that the song has are electrifying and empowering for the adventure that you are about to embark.

Lorde is inviting you to have the night of your life, so take it.

4. A$AP Forever Remix by A$AP Rocky, ft. Moby, T.I., and Kid Cudi

A$AP Forever Remix. A Frank Ocean reference AND a Kid Cudi feature? Unreal. The strings-sounding beat throughout the entirety of the song paired with the happy cadence of A$AP and Cudi, working together to create nostalgia in its finest? Unbelievable. As Cudi appears again to save the day with his humming and to deliver an extremely otherworldly melody, you can’t help but feel surrounded by love and life and all things good. It is sunny outside and the day belongs to you and the gang.

Seize the day.

5. Perfect Places by Lorde

Perfect Places. She’s 19 and she’s on fire. I personally am no longer 19, but the feeling of youth in the song remains relatable nonetheless. I also may or may not have cried to this song on more than one occasion, but that’s neither here nor there. The base in the background resembles a heartbeat, your heartbeat. It’s the feeling of being alive. From belting, too soft speaking, the song goes through Lorde’s highs and lows, as she takes us along for the night’s journey.

A repeat offender on this list: Lorde has everything to offer us.

6. Ghost Town by Kanye West

Ghost Town. Kanye and Cudi claim yet ANOTHER spot on the list — an unstoppable, vibey dynamic duo. Day or night, this song knows no boundaries. Its vintage-sounding intro calls on nostalgia, and its melancholy and introspective lyrics juxtapose its happy tone: a combination that asks us to reflect on our own lives in that moment. The song as a whole is beautiful, but the bridge is where it’s really at, with its hard beat and magnificent melody. She’s free, you’re free.

We’re living.

7. Bucket List by Saba

Bucket List. The intro sound that meets you again during the chorus has such a nostalgic feel to it, forcing you to step back in this moment in time. It’s as if the curtain is closing, but not in a sad or bittersweet way. It is a good feeling. You’re driving back from a really good day, from doing dumb things, with your dumb friends, and just being young and dumb. But you’re also really happy and satisfied where you are right now, in this moment.

