11 Signs That You Are the Kind of Person Who is Having a Spiritual Awakening

(And You May Not Even Know It).

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

When you wake up spiritually, you don’t know that you are waking up spiritually. You think you have eaten something bad :-)

You feel strange. You feel different. You think something weird is happening to you, but you don’t know how to name it, and it’s scary as f*ck.

Because you think the spiritual awakening is a hoax, it is an invention of the gurus to make money selling self-help courses. And you do not want to face what is happening to you.

Because to do so would be to have to modify your belief system.
But it still happens (I tell you from experience).

And these are usually some of the most relevant signs you are going through the so-called spiritual awakening (I went through everyone).

So if you see yourself reflected in any of these points, don’t suffer; it’s not that last night’s dinner was bad for you; it’s probably that your life is about to change :-)

Let’s start.

1. You have brand new eyes.

Books and articles that previously bored you or that you didn’t understand start to resonate with you. It’s as if an…

