7 Spiritual Lessons I Learned Too Late in Life That You Could Build a Spiritual Practice Around

#6. You don’t attract what you want but who you are.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Muhammad Abdullah on Unsplash

Every second you spend being pissed off about what you don’t have is a second you spend not taking advantage of what you do have.

And over time, what you have today — youth, health, family, friends, your dog — will disappear, and you’ll be pissed at yourself for not taking advantage of it when you had it.

That’s one of the great lessons I’ve learned the hard way in life. Here are seven others you could establish a complete spiritual practice to achieve a conscious and peaceful life.

  1. In life, the order of the factors does alter the product. It is better to work smart than to work hard. But you won’t accumulate enough data to work smart if you don’t work hard initially. As former Netflix CEO Marc Randolph said in an interview, “When you don’t know what you are doing, you better work your ass off.” Then, you’ll know what works and what doesn’t work for you, and you’ll be able to make more efficient decisions.
  2. You are not what happens to you. You are not even the resulting emotions. In the words of Dr. James Hollis, “You don’t choose your feelings. Feelings are autonomous responses. You can repress…

