8 Spiritual Qualities That Elevate Your Worth in Others’ Eyes

#3. You travel weight-free.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Angel Balashev on Unsplash

People usually criticize three types of things: what they do not understand, what they fear, or what they envy.

If you are spiritual, these three circumstances are present in you.

That’s why you feel continually watched and singled out.

But unlike what you think, your abilities, habits, skills, and spiritual mindsets do not devalue your value in the eyes of others but rather increase it (even if no one around you recognizes it) because they admire you.

Here are eight of those things that increase your value in the eyes of others

  1. First-hand wisdom. When they hit rock bottom, people don’t go to see Tony Robbins; they go to Alcoholics Anonymous or some other similar support group, where regular people who have been through what they are going through tell them how they got out of the pit. That first-person knowledge from the pain is invaluable. And you have that practical wisdom perfectly applicable to real life in real-time.
  2. The peaceful warrior attitude. “I was widowed at the age of 32, in charge of my two children—a 14-year-old teenager and a 6-year-old paraplegic. And I closed the window to fear! I am today at 63, still battling every morning…

