8 Spooky Signals the Universe Sends You When Your Life Is About to Change

#6. What you fear most comes true.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Dani Navarro on Unsplash

Life has taught me repeatedly that everything happens for a reason.

Even tragedies.

The Universe doesn’t play dice. — Although sometimes it may seem so.

In the words of Ovideo, “Ludit in humanis divina potentia rebus.” (In the human plays the divine omnipotence).

The Universe has everything tied up and well tied up.

But sometimes, its signals tend to make our hair stand on end. And we think that everything is going to shit when we are about to receive beautiful things.

Here are eight signs so that when they appear, you learn to look on the bright side: your life will change (and, in most cases, for the better).

  1. The lucky break. A stroke of luck grants you what you’ve been looking for for long. But you discover that it doesn’t make you happy. You feel disappointed and apathetic, but when this happens, you don’t have to see it as a tragedy. It is usually a message from the Universe that it wants you to save time and energy and stop obsessing about goals you think you want but won’t make you happy.
  2. People have forgotten about you. Your friends stop calling you. All…

