Four Disturbing Quotes From CS Lewis (That if You Read Them) Will Change Your Life

1- No human being knows how bad he is until he tries to be good.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Tim Alex on Unsplash

If you haven’t read Narnia, you haven’t had a childhood :-)

His author CS Lewis sold millions of copies, and his books were translated into 30 different languages.

C.S. Lewis was a friend of JRR Tolkien.

The two coincided at Oxford University. And together with other writers, they formed a club of friends called Inklings.

The club members met in a pub just in the decade when Lewis published Narnia and Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings.

Lewis and Tolkien lived through many things until they marched to the great war.

The war took away their innocence at once, as most of their friends died in it.

But not everything is sad in this story since the knowledge that both authors acquired about the human reality in the war was printed in their books.

That’s why I’ve compiled four of Lewis’ best thoughts to affect your life positively, and even if you lose a bit of innocence when reading them, they will help you move forward.

