Six Signs You’re a Spiritual Alchemist

#5. You have synchronized your clock with the universe.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by mohsen ameri on Unsplash

Modern alchemists no longer want to transform lead into gold.

Modern alchemists no longer confuse the means with the end.

Modern alchemists are very clear that the most valuable thing in life is to be happy.

But happiness is not easy to achieve, and it is only within reach of a chosen few, whom I call “spiritual alchemists of happiness.”

If you are one of them, you will see yourself reflected in some of these signs.

  1. You have discovered the quintessence or the ether of things. In the same way that the ocean and an iceberg are made of the same thing, water, you have realized that your good and bad moments are made of the same thing: you. It is you, your perception, that changes the state of things. You can always choose between being a cold iceberg (being bitter) or being a calm ocean (happy) in almost any situation that comes your way in life. What matters is the way you perceive it. And you have become a master of perception.
  2. You have mastered the magic of non-action. You have realized that the world reacts to the intensity of your presence. That’s why you use your absence to lessen the unfortunate consequences when someone messes with…

