Six Subtle Signals That Your Future Self Will Be Proud of Your Current Self

#6. You no longer trust the merchants of certainties.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Kurt van Krieken on Unsplash

Sometimes I wake up full of self-loathing.

And a voice in my head tells me, “You should write an article titled 3 Signs You’re Dumb and Haven’t Realized It. Because you’re way behind in the race of life.”

But then I wash my face, think about the person I was ten years ago (a real mess), and feel proud of myself.

So I want to share six signs that usually indicate that the person you’ll be ten years from now will probably be proud of you even if you can’t believe it today.

  1. You are coming out of the rabbit hole of sadness all by yourself. You don’t spend all day on the couch feeling sorry for yourself and criticizing the news on TV. You force yourself to get out of bed, even though half the days you don’t want to and the other half you don’t understand why you do it. You have started to establish routines and schedules. And you don’t allow yourself to overthink things for too long. You know that If you don’t help yourself today, tomorrow may be too late.
  2. You implement a hard-and-far rule of avoiding your kryptonite person. “I hope to be cured of you soon,” you think every time that person for whom you…

