Spooky Advice From 42-Year-Old Me to 33-Year-Old Me

Things I wish I had known much earlier in life.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

Sylvester Stallone was right, “Nobody hits as hard as life.”

And over the years, it hits you harder and harder.

And looking the other way makes it worse because you let your guard down and get exposed.

If I could travel back in time and talk to my 33-year-old self, I would say the following.

About love

At 33 your girlfriend will phone you from Edinburgh and leave you after 7 years of relationship.

After much crying, you will discover that anyone in their right mind would have walked away from you much sooner because you are the worst, even though you think you are the king of the world.

Thanks to that blow, you will change.

You will have more relationships, all of which will fail, but you will manage to make peace with yourself, which will change everything.

Engrave this in your head,

When you have problems with everybody, you change the environment, and you keep having problems with everybody, guess what?

