Three Hamster Wheels That the Universe Wants to Get You Out of as Soon as Possible

Whatever It Takes.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Timothy Yiadom on Unsplash

Life has shown me that every time you get off the path of your dreams, the entire Universe conspires against you to bring you back into the fold and fulfill your destiny.

And it can do it, like the mobsters, by hook or crook.

  1. The good way: You pay attention to the signs and take the right exit from the highway of life; everything flows like spreading butter on hot bread.
  2. The bad way: You ignore the signs, and the Universe metaphorically gives you a flat tire, a ticket, or a traffic jam to make you rethink your actions.

The Universe has taught me everything the hard way.

And of all that it has taught me, what it has insisted on the most is not to live in mental hamster wheels, feeding passive-aggressive cycles that only hurt me.

Here are some of those hamster wheels that the Universe surely wants you to get out of so that you can take the next exit off the utopia and reach your destination.

1. The hamster wheel of egoism

Selfishness makes you shallow, and being shallow makes you mediocre. And being mediocre feeds your egoism in a cannibal hamster wheel…

