Three Hard Life Lessons I Learned in My Forties That I Wish I Had Known in My Twenties.

Learn these lessons before it’s too late.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

When you get older, you discover that it’s no use running away.

It’s not the problems that always haunt you.

Sometimes you are the problem.

You can’t hide from your unresolved traumas. And the pain will stay with you until you process it.

It is a hard lesson but necessary to evolve in life.

People who carry trauma live anchored in the past that consumes them. And they need to free themselves from those chains to evolve and move towards the bright future they aspire to.

Many of these lessons, which are clear to me in my forties, would have been very helpful to me in my twenties. They would have made a difference and would have given me an advantage.

That’s why I want to share three of those lessons with you. To give you a head start :-)

1. Your parents are not always right.

The world is changing very fast. It used to take hundreds of years for an industrial revolution to change the world.

