Three Quick Life Lessons to Mute Your Overthinking Monkey Mind

#1. Understanding the benefit of not overthinking makes you stop overthinking.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Nora Hutton on Unsplash

I was the type of person who would get mad over anything.

I was unable to stop obsessing about my problems. And if I didn’t have problems, I made them up by creating scenes in my mind of potential futures where I was doing poorly.

So, one day, I said to myself, “Stop making up science fiction movies in your head; you’re not Steven Spielberg.”

Through trial and error, I learned these three lessons that helped me stop overthinking.

1. Understanding the benefit of not overthinking makes you stop overthinking.

“Pain always seeks the cause of things, while well-being is inclined to be still and not to look back.” — Stefan Zweig.

The source of your mental pain is often born from obsessively searching for a why, from not accepting things as they come, from shouting to the heavens, “Why me, sir?” and finding no answers.

And sometimes there is no why. Sometimes, life is simply unfair and inconsistent.

