Three Unpleasant Signals That You Might Be Receiving Spiritual Guidance From the Universe

#2. The bad karma period.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Dave Goudreau on Unsplash

Sometimes, we live on the edge of the void without knowing it, like children playing and peeking out of a fifth-floor window, oblivious to the danger.

And, Daddy universe, seeing us, has to take drastic measures to make us safe from ourselves.

We perceive measures as punishments, but the universe spiritually guides us to keep us from hurting ourselves.

Here are three signs that this is happening in your life.

1. The longest route

“The journey brings happiness not the destination”. — The peaceful warrior.

You should choose the mountain you want to climb, not just for the views but also for the beauty of the trail.

Besides, the views are just the aerial view of the road. And you like them so much because you are proud to have walked it, to know how high you have climbed.

That’s why the universe sometimes seems to delay your plans.

The universe wants to extend the fun; the universe wants you to enjoy yourself.

