Three Unsettling Signs That Your Life Is Going to Change

Because it’s not all about synchronicity and seeing the number 11 everywhere.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by Taylor Harding on Unsplash

I get it; you need good news because your life sucks.

I’ve been there too.

But if you don’t confront reality, reality will confront you.

So, let me be the bad cop of the movie and tell you what no one is talking about when your life is about to change for the better.

Here are three unsettling signs that your world is going to change.

You start feeling uncomfortable in your skin.

People say that to change, staying in your comfort zone has to hurt more than embracing the unknown.

But it doesn’t work for everyone. (For me, it didn’t)

And when you stay in your comfort toxic zone even when it’s easier to move one and avoid the pain, the whole universe conspires against you :-)

And you start feeling weird.

It feels like going to the grocery store and back to the house you realize you forget your keys. And you stay in the building hallway alone, loaded with groceries (good intentions) and looking stupid.

