You May Unlock Your Hidden Magnetic Manifestation Power If You Apply This

It worked for me.

Alberto García 🚀🚀🚀
The Writers Fight Club


Photo by NoWah Bartscher on Unsplash

Everyone wants to manifest their dreams but manifest nightmares.

And it is because they need to use their power of manifestation better.

It used to happen to me until I learned these three things.

1. You have to collaborate with the universe

It’s not what you want; it’s what the universe wants.

Not only do you have to do what the universe wants you to do, but you have to want to do it.

Which is not easy.

  • Maybe you want fame and wealth, and the universe wants you to be humble and live for the day so your hunger for advancement doesn’t go away.
  • Maybe you want an attractive partner and a house with a garden and a white picket fence, but the universe wants you to spend a long time single, living in an apartment, so that you can learn to love yourself.
  • Maybe you want peace and a comfortable life, and the universe puts you on an emotional roller coaster because it doesn’t want you to settle into a life below your potential.

The good news is that when you start doing what the universe wants, you learn to love…

