An Interview with Robin W. Pearson: Faith and Southern Roots Run Deep

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper
The Writer’s Garden
8 min readJan 25, 2021


Image Credit: Bobbie Brown Photography

I first met Robin W. Pearson some years back at a friend’s home. Later, we briefly attended the same writers’ group before she moved from New Jersey back to her beloved South. When we met, she was working on her first novel. I’ve been so excited to watch her journey unfold as she became an award-winning debut author last year. Enjoy this interview with Robin about faith, life, and writing.

TGC: How and when did your “I’m a writer” moment happen? Was it a lifelong dream or something that evolved over time?

RWP: I’ve enjoyed a love affair with words since I was little, whether it was poring over a book, writing poetry, or completing essays in class. I even tried to write a book in elementary school. When I started working in school editorial at Houghton Mifflin, I thought I’d found my calling-I’ve always been deadly with my red pencil-and as an editor, I could create and recreate material. Also, it was a career I could pursue from home while raising a family. But then Family Digest Magazine reached out about twenty years ago, nurturing a seed, an “I want to be a writer” dream I didn’t know God had planted in my heart until I saw my byline. Not long after, I started writing A Long Time Comin’.

TGC: Congratulations on the January 2020 release of your first novel. How was the story

