Find Your Creative Tribe and Stick Together

Those we love may support us but don’t “get it” like other creatives do

Tracy Gerhardt Cooper
The Writer’s Garden


My husband is my biggest cheerleader. He supports my writing dreams and encourages me. He affords me time to write by doing chores and taking the kids out so I can have quiet. Seriously, he’s a gem of a partner.

I’m grateful for him, but he’s not enough.

I need other writers in my life. My husband is supportive but doesn’t understand the creative dilemma of writer’s block. He doesn’t know the ache of wanting to say something in a certain way but being unable to put it on the page. The eye-bugging angst of being mentally incapable of looking over a draft for another second? Totally foreign to him.

A good, supportive partner is a gold coin. A trusted tribe of other creative people is a gold mine. Other creatives “get it”. They know what it is to labor over a title or to rework a paragraph four times because it sounds stupid. They understand the need for lighting and angles to be just so to capture the perfect photo.

It’s both the tricks and toil of the trade that bind creative people together.

